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Our Story


We are the Boger's. My wife Tommi and I have raised 3 children. And now we have a son-in-law and the greatest thing, a grandson. The Lord has truly blessed us beyond measure through our family. Some time ago Tommi and I began to see that we needed to take charge of growing our own food as much as possible. We had gardens in the past and had talked about raising some animals as well. Then the pandemic hit. This event really opened our eyes to just how broken our food chain really is. So, I began to seek out more humane ways to raise animals. Where we could improve the soil and not destroy it.

That's where the pastured model came in. We started out with 75 chicks on our property. Enough for us and our extended family. Then I had some neighbors in the community asking me if I could raise them some chickens. During this time, I realized that more families had the same concerns that we did. I began to see that folks in our community were looking for an alternative to the chicken that they were buying in the stores. A chicken that was raised humanely and without drugs. 

We began to ask ourselves. If not us, who? If not now, when?

So ClayRock was born.  


Our chickens are really and truly raised on pasture. They are happier with less stress while foraging for bugs, worms, and a diverse diet of grasses. Along with a high-quality NON-GMO ration.  We move them every day to a fresh spot of pasture. Where they enjoy fresh air and natural sunlight. Which builds a stronger immune system.

(Without the use of drugs and antibiotics.) 

We want our birds to be able to express their natural instincts. We believe that produces a stronger, healthier chicken. Our chickens are higher in omega-3s as well as vitamins A, D, and E.


We want to have a open door policy. We have nothing to hide. Any time you want to visit. You can schedule a time to come out and talk to us about our chicken. Better yet taste our chicken for yourself. And get reminded of what a chicken is supposed to taste like. 

We want to be a part of the change that's happening in agriculture. Where we build strong, healthy soil and leave it better than we found it.


Thank you for visiting.



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